신경계통(nervous system) – 신경(nerve)

Reference서울대학교병원 신체기관정보네이버 동물학백과네이버 분자세포생물학백과Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Functional anatomy: Musculoskeletal anatomy, kinesiology, palpation for manual healers. 2010. Donald R. Neumann. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Foundation. 2010. Phil Tate D.A. Rod R. Seeley Trent D. Stevens. understand the human body. 2004.Attractive character Bob Sapp – https://imgur.com/gallery/Attractive character Bob Sapp – https://imgur.com/gallery/Neuron Structure – https://en.wikipedia.org/The functional center of the nerve cell where the nucleus is located is called the cell body, and many legs present in the cell body are reminiscent of spiders. These legs are called dendrites, and when these short legs are stimulated and a nerve collision occurs, the nerve collision situation is transmitted to the cell body. There is a long branch in the cell body, which is called axon, which is responsible for transferring the cell body to neighboring cells for nerve collisions reported by branch processes.Shrinkage Stimulus Information Delivery – https://biologydictionary.net/Shrinkage Stimulus Information Delivery – https://biologydictionary.net/Neurocells are divided into sensory nerves, motor nerves, sympathetic nerves, parasympathetic nerves, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves depending on their functions and brain regulation. ● Sensory nervous system – Sensory nervous system is a nerve responsible for sending afferent signals to the central nervous system from sensory receptor information activated by five sensory signals: taste, smell, touch, vision, and hearing.Sensory nerve – https://www.visiblebody.com/● Motor system – The role of motor nerves is to transmit signals from the central nervous system and contract muscles. There is a nerve-muscle junction (neuromuscular junction) between motor nerves and muscle fibers, and signals transmitted from the central nerve act here, and when a large amount of neurotransmitter is secreted, muscle fibers respond and contract.Motor nerves – https://quizlet.com/Motor nerves – https://quizlet.com/Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves – https://courses.lumenlearning.com/● Cranial nerve – Cranial nerve refers to nerves directly coming out of the brain and brainstem, and there are a total of 12 cranial nerves, 10 of which come out of the brainstem, and the other two (sniffle and visual nerves) come out of the forebrain. The cranial nerve functions as follows.Structure of cranial nerve – https://www.istockphoto.com/Structure of cranial nerve – https://www.istockphoto.com/bundle of spinal nerve fibers – https://terms.naver.com/bundle of spinal nerve fibers – https://terms.naver.com/Reference Persistence 서 울 대 학 교 병 원 신 체 기 관 정 보 네 이 버 동 물 학 백 과 네 이 버 분 자 세 포 생 물 학 백 과 to Wolfram ’ sources, , XNewModifiermap, Scott Li from Kluyveromyces marxianus, we / William Abrams With Points Memo and . Anatomy : for the manual), eye specialist (palpation, kinesiology, musculo-skeletal anatomy . 200 1. Donald · , Neumann, musculoskeletal rehabilitation foundation’s kinesiology. 2, 2010, fill · · R. Seeley rod Tate a DA Stevens. Trent · D To comprehend the human body. 2004 –